A guide to the perfect Christmas stocking
Christmas stockings are a wonderful tradition, but many of us give them up when we become adults. If you want to start a stocking ritual but don’t know where to begin, you’ve come to the right place: here’s how to fill the perfect Christmas stocking - whatever your age!
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Find a stocking
Did you know...the first Christmas stockings were just regular-sized socks containing a handful of modest gifts. Today, people have upgraded to bigger versions with brighter colours, When buying (or making) your stocking, choose a design you love that will fit with the rest of your Christmas decor. Remember: biggest isn’t always best - it's about what's inside that counts.

Think about stocking fillers
This is where the fun starts! Think about what you'd like to include in your stocking. Oranges, nuts and candy canes are, traditionally, what children received - there's no reason why this can't extend to adults, too, for a nostalgic reminder of how Christmas used to be.
Of course, these days there are plenty of other options for more personal gifts - there really are no rules as to what you should include. The one thing you should consider when you’re out shopping, however, is the size of your stocking, as this will dictate how many fillers you can buy.
Include a mix of gifts:
To include a variety of gifts in your stocking, break it down into three categories: something creative, something fun and something traditional. Finding something that sparks their creativity, or even something educational, combined with something fun strikes a good balance.
Something creative
Give them the gift of creating something for themselves. Whether it's a stitching kit or even just some colouring pencils, anything to get them off their screens and inspire their imaginations is a great place to start.

Something to make them laugh
There's nothing sweeter than the sound of kids laughing on Christmas morning. A Whoopee Cushion, for example, provides hours of fun and laughter for the whole family. Anything small, light-hearted and a bit silly is a safe bet - it is Christmas, after all!

Something traditional
Stockings are also a great excuse to give your kids, or even partners or friends, something timeless and traditional. A dominoes game in a wooden box, for example, is great for all ages and can bring the family together at Christmas.

Theme your stocking
An alternative way to build your stocking is by theme. Does your little one love sharks? Or fairies? Themes can be a good way to build adult stockings too - by interest, colour or design sets you on the right path.

So what should you actually put in your stocking? For kids, think sweets, small toys and games, stickers, pens, notebooks, keyrings and badges. And if you're making adult Christmas stockings, go for stylish stationery, CDs, crafting kits, chocolates, playing cards and small kitchen utensils.
Hang with care

The best bit! Once you've sorted all your weird and wonderful stocking fillers, you can now hang it in pride of place. Traditionally, stockings are hung on Christmas Eve, but why not put them out a little earlier this year, to add an extra sprinkle of magic in the build up to the big day.
We hope you start a lovely tradition this Christmas, and check out our stocking fillers department for more ideas.